Criminal Attorney in Tunkhannock, PA Fighting for Clients in Wyoming County and Throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania
When you first face criminal charges in Tunkhannock, you can be overwhelmed by anger, fear, shame, and worry. This is especially true if you feel the charges are unjustified, and when they impact your loved ones. A Tunkhannock criminal defense lawyer can help you fight for your freedom and your rights and help you get through this tough time.
The law is impartial and impersonal, and the justice system does not care about the motions of an accused person. If you want to beat the charges and win a satisfactory outcome, you need to control your emotions, remain calm, and let your lawyer do all the hard work.
If you fail to maintain control of the situation and protect your rights, you might get tricked into confessing or taking an unfair plea deal, as 75.8% of defendants in Wyoming County criminal cases did in 2021.
Mr. Matthew Muckler of Muckler Law, LLC, has handled plenty of criminal cases in Tunkhannock, PA. The best thing you can do is contact him for a consultation as soon as you are arrested.
Why Finding a Top Tunkhannock Criminal Defense Lawyer is Important For Winning Your Case
Not every lawyer can give you the results you want. At the minimum, you should hire a private defense attorney who’s fully qualified and certified, has several years of experience in criminal defense, and has already represented clients with similar offenses in the past.
Experience in local courts is particularly important because every court, judge, and prosecution office may have different policies and procedures. For example, judges in Philadelphia County allow defendants to post 10% of the bail amount and go free, but the County’s laws don’t allow bail bondsmen. Other counties may have different policies on plea bargaining.
It’s also vital that your defense lawyer has handled similar cases in the past and taken some of them all the way to trial. Not only does this show they have gained the necessary experience to defend you at trial, but it also means the lawyer isn’t afraid to reject unfair plea deals to fight for their client’s best interests.
The final and most important factor is to find an attorney who has the time and interest to work with you on your case. Some lawyers in big-name firms have so many cases they have no time to research your case, talk with you regularly, or follow up on your case in court.
Take time to conduct an in-person interview with your lawyer so you can determine if they’re the best for your case. If you’re facing criminal charges in Tunkhannock, PA, consult Mr. Muckler for help, and rest assured that you will receive top-notch defense with dedication and commitment.
Public Defenders May Not Fight For Your Best Interests
It’s tempting to opt for a public defender due to the expenses associated with hiring a private lawyer. However, if you can afford one, a private criminal defense attorney is almost always the best option for a criminal case in Tunkhannock or elsewhere in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
For one, private defenders don’t have to deal with the understaffing and excessive caseload that public defenders have. They can give your case the hard work, time, and attention it deserves, which maximizes the chance of getting a desirable outcome.
Public defenders are often overworked, and underpaid, and have few resources to help defenders. Most of them are indeed incredibly talented and skilled lawyers who want the best for their clients, but they’re just not in a position to do the best they can. Most of them end up asking defendants to take a plea deal just to close the case quickly.
Be Careful About Plea Deals
Plea deals are incredibly common, with less than 3% of cases in Pennsylvania actually going to trial. On paper, they sound like a good idea: you plead to a lesser charge, get a reduced sentence, and avoid a long, stressful, and expensive trial. In exchange, the district attorney’s office gets to close cases quickly and efficiently.
However, plea deals have created an environment where innocent people can’t fight for their rights because they’re threatened with a harsh sentence if they go to trial. Prosecutors are incredibly powerful and can intimidate people into taking unfair plea deals even when they’re actually innocent.
Other times, prosecutors offer deals when they don’t have enough evidence to prove their case. You may not know this, especially if the DA’s office fails to turn over all evidence and information as is required by law.
When you think about it, the only option is to take time and let an experienced criminal attorney review your case and counsel you on the best course of action. You can count on Mr. Muckler to be your trusted criminal attorney in Tunkhannock and to advise you honestly and openly about what options you have in your criminal case.
Contact an Experienced Tunkhannock Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
The foundation of any criminal defense is based on the rights of an accused person as upheld by the Constitution and various State Statutes. It would be incredibly difficult to defend yourself if, for example, you didn’t have a right to know the charges against you, face witnesses in court, and be safe from cruel and unusual punishment.
A defense lawyer works by protecting your rights and freedoms through the tools and resources provided by the law. Unless you have a lawyer helping you, it’s almost impossible to defend all these individual rights if you don’t even understand them in the first place.
If you’re facing criminal charges in Tunkhannock, let Mr. Matthew Muckler help. With years of experience defending clients facing felony, misdemeanor, and summary charges in Pennsylvania, he has what you need to ensure an acceptable and fair outcome in your case.
Contact Muckler Law, LLC, today and get your free consultation and case evaluation to help you get started.